Crystal Therapy Diploma
Stage 3 - Advanced Practitioner
Course Outline
This level continues from the Stage 2 and pre-requisites include completion of:
- 15 treatment case studies
- The Stage 2 assessment exercises
- The Health & Safety online assessment

This level of the course comprises a series of two-day workshops focussing on the Five Elements, Meridians and personal development and the content includes the following topics:
- The Five Element Archetypes
- The Wood Element
- Stones & Crystals for the Wood Element
- The Liver & Gall Bladder Meridians
- The Fire Element
- Stones & Crystals for the Fire Element
- The Heart, Pericardium, Triple Warmer & Small Intestine Meridians
- The Earth Element
- Stones & Crystals for the Earth Element
- The Stomach & Spleen Meridians
- The Metal Element
- Stones & Crystals for the Metal Element
- The Lung & Large Intestine Meridians
- The Water Element
- Stones & Crystals for the Water Element
- The Kidney & Bladder Meridians
- Techniques & Applications
These are the topics which will be covered in the five 2-day tutored workshops and online (theory).
- The subject matter is divided into 6 units. Each unit will be covered in a two-day workshop with the expectation that theory has already been studied online prior to attending the associated workshop.
- Each session will also allow for practical work, guided meditation/visualisation and personal development.
- Theory work will be available online and you will need to study this preceding the associated workshop
- During the course you will continue to build up a ‘crystal compendium’ as crystals are introduced through the learning of layouts & techniques
On Completion of Stage 3
In order to receive the Diploma Award you have to:
- Have successfully completed Stages 1 & 2
- Have 100% attendance of all tutor-led workshops
- Complete the assessment exercises for each unit
- Complete a crystal project (subject matter and modality to be agreed with tutor)
- Carry out a minimum of 30 case study treatments
- Attend a practical assessment day and carry out a full crystal therapy treatment including consultation on an unknown person and be observed by an external verifier
Download the Information Pack 2020 for further information, Terms & Conditions and a Booking Form.